three months to go

I am on my 28th week of pregnancy now and my tummy is getting bigger and heavier; baby potato (that's what I call her and yes, it's a she) weighs about one kg at the moment. Sleeping at night is getting a bit frustrating because I have to sleep on the side and every time I try to turn the other side, it's like having an earthquake on the bed. But other than that, she's been growing well; she can seriously kick, hahaha three more months to go, honestly, I've never thought I'd be this excited. At first, I was worried and scared that I wouldn't be able to raise a child properly, but slowly I am trying to embrace the feeling of being a mother. With YF, I think we are going to be just fine.

I am also in the middle of making a memory book for baby potato, I saw many posts on Instagram or videos on Youtube, so I thought it will be fun to have some photos of her from 0 to 12 months stored in a book to look back. I remember my mom did this for me and my sister. They were just photo albums but she decorated them so well with some stickers and cut out animals from wrapping papers. I went to The paper Market and went crazy over the scrapbook material sections; they are all so cute! But one thing I wasn't particularly happy with; all the papers and stickers for baby girls are dominated by pink colour and I am not a fan of pink. A bit difficult to find more gender-neutral colours but I managed to find some, although I must say mostly are still a bit dominated by the shades of pink.

Time flies really fast and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed; in three months there will be a new member to our little family. Sometimes I cannot believe there's an actual human being growing inside me. It feels almost surreal. But this is definitely another milestone in our lives; a new challenge in our lives. I don't know what the future holds so I guess I just have to move forward to find out.


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